Hi, and a very warm welcome from me, Bez! That's me on the left, dressed up in my "Escape Artist's Assistant" costume - well, one of my costumes, though usually they don't stay on for very long... Anyway, this is the website devoted to the Eros comic in which Sabina and I star, which, with any luck, you can purchase direct from the publisher, if you take the handy link to our left... if you are old enough to buy such things!
Sabina, Mistress of Escapes is an adult comic - we like to think that it is a fun, enjoyable read, devoted to "the most fun you can have with your clothes off" - which, around here, means eager tongues, tight ropes, and even some "movie-making" when our family of characters star in special stories. And did I mention the jokes and horseplay? We have a page dedicated to each issue so far published, which you can visit by clicking the "thumbnail" size covers over on the right. You'll find larger cover reproductions, and the black & white cover art, while from Sabina #4 on, you will also find the "text page" that Sabina and I composed for that particular issue.
We also have some password-protected pages - that's because this is not an adult-oriented webspace provider, so we need to keep the ruder stuff safely locked away. There's a two-page strip, some more sketches like the ones of me and Sabby above, and a surprise or two. If you are old enough, e-mail me (Bez@sabinadom.co.uk) if you want to be let in!
Our writer, Martin, and our artist, Paul, came by a while back to discuss a ninth issue for Eros, after a bit of a gap, and it looks as if we should be returning in 2005. We told them what we'd been doing lately, and introduced them to our house-guest Arden, and they promise to work it all up into a great story - I can't wait, though I always get really embarrassed when I first see what we've got up to, in black & white! It all seems so, well, graphic! Sabina keeps trying to train me to be an escape artist like her, but when I get tied up, or chained up, or strapped up, I do tend to stay that way. Confidentially, I think we both prefer it like that...
But do check out the various pages, it will tell you more about us (and Michelle, and Georgie, and Fifi/Fiona, Cissie, and the rest...) than I can here. This is a fun sex comic - we have fun making it, and I do hope you will have fun reading it.
Recently, we've added two erotic short stories that our writer did a few years ago - nothing to do with Sabina or me, but otherwise fine! We've also put together a very small tribute page to the best bondage artist/writer ever, John Willey - and we've exchanged links with the website of Penny Birch, writer of some excellent erotic novels for Nexus Books. From the photographs and artwork on her site, we can definitely say she's "into the scene" - you'll even find a fun 9-page comics story there, so, assuming you're old enough, it's a site well worth going to! Also new is our Guest Book, so if you've something nice to say, that's the place to say it, okay?
Your friend,
Bez |

This page was last updated on: July 6, 2005
You can also visit our sister site, www.Barbarienne.com - just click on the thumbnail image! |
Hey, this site is just about done now - we have now got individual pages linked in with the thumbnail covers on the right, and plenty of good reading for you - so don't be shy, let us know what you think of the site, and the comic! |

Hi, and a very warm welcome from me, Bez! That's me on the left, dressed up in my "Escape Artist's Assistant" costume - well, one of my costumes, though usually they don't stay on for very long... Anyway, this is the website devoted to the Eros comic in which Sabina and I star, which, with any luck, you can purchase direct from the publisher, if you take the handy link to our left... if you are old enough to buy such things!
Sabina, Mistress of Escapes is an adult comic - we like to think that it is a fun, enjoyable read, devoted to "the most fun you can have with your clothes off" - which, around here, means eager tongues, tight ropes, and even some "movie-making" when our family of characters star in special stories. And did I mention the jokes and horseplay? We have a page dedicated to each issue so far published, which you can visit by clicking the "thumbnail" size covers over on the right. You'll find larger cover reproductions, and the black & white cover art, while from Sabina #4 on, you will also find the "text page" that Sabina and I composed for that particular issue.
We also have some password-protected pages - that's because this is not an adult-oriented webspace provider, so we need to keep the ruder stuff safely locked away. There's a two-page strip, some more sketches like the ones of me and Sabby above, and a surprise or two. If you are old enough, e-mail me (Bez@sabinadom.co.uk) if you want to be let in!
Our writer, Martin, and our artist, Paul, came by a while back to discuss a ninth issue for Eros, after a bit of a gap, and it looks as if we should be returning in 2005. We told them what we'd been doing lately, and introduced them to our house-guest Arden, and they promise to work it all up into a great story - I can't wait, though I always get really embarrassed when I first see what we've got up to, in black & white! It all seems so, well, graphic! Sabina keeps trying to train me to be an escape artist like her, but when I get tied up, or chained up, or strapped up, I do tend to stay that way. Confidentially, I think we both prefer it like that...
But do check out the various pages, it will tell you more about us (and Michelle, and Georgie, and Fifi/Fiona, Cissie, and the rest...) than I can here. This is a fun sex comic - we have fun making it, and I do hope you will have fun reading it.
Recently, we've added two erotic short stories that our writer did a few years ago - nothing to do with Sabina or me, but otherwise fine! We've also put together a very small tribute page to the best bondage artist/writer ever, John Willey - and we've exchanged links with the website of Penny Birch, writer of some excellent erotic novels for Nexus Books. From the photographs and artwork on her site, we can definitely say she's "into the scene" - you'll even find a fun 9-page comics story there, so, assuming you're old enough, it's a site well worth going to! Also new is our Guest Book, so if you've something nice to say, that's the place to say it, okay?
Your friend,
Bez |

Warning: Our email address is being "spoofed", spam is being sent pretending to come from here - beware, it often encloses a virus! Sadly, there is nothing we can do about it, so do not open any mail pretending to come from this address. Our real email, for pass- words etc, comes from another address entirely - I'd better not say which address that is, or the spammers will start using that as well... |